Tuesday, September 09, 2008


Well, after taking the summer off, I'm back and have to say, quite fired up. Little Kurt (kindegarten) and Georgia (3rd grade) are back in school, and I actually have some time to blog again.

I was gonna rant about how awful the Rams are, or gloat in how awful the Yankees are, but, believe it or not, a few lists have my blood boiling, which, I know, is what the lists are supposed to do.

Actually, two lists - which both deal with my favorite decade (the 80s) have my ire at an all-time high. The first was produced by Entertainment Weekly a few weeks ago. It listed the top 25 comedies from the last 25 years. Here's the link:

A few thoughts:

-- How the fuck is Naked Gun No. 24. NO 24????? Are you shitting me. It should at least be in the top 10, and, should be in the top 5. Just seeing OJ get his ass kicked the entire film make it a top 5er.

-- How is Clueless even on the list? Clueless? Gag me with a spoon.

-- Tropic Thunder No. 17 - Enuff said.

-- Beverly Hills Cop is No. 3, National Lampoon's Vacation is No. 2, Ghostbusters is No. 1.
Let's review: Trading Places - which is ten times funnier than Bev. Cop is No. 15. Vacation, which I admit belongs on the list (but not at No. 2), is funny, but Fletch could be Chevy's funnies film from that era.

Ghostbusters is the funniest movie from the last 25 years? Are you fucking kidding me? Funny? Yes. No. 1? no way.

Before it get to the most glaring omission, I present some films that should also be on the list.

One Crazy Summer: John Cusack, Bobcat, Demi Moore, and Neidermayer all in the same film. Classic.

Better Off Dead: Another Cusack classic.

Revenge of the Nerds: Are you telling me Napoleon Dynamite is funnier that this?

Team America: World Police: It's exclusion is what nearly caused me to have a stroke. It is unquestionably the funniest movie over the last 25 years, and possibly ever made. Watch it and try not to piss your pants. I dare you.
Marianettes shitting on each other during sex isn't funny?
Puppets vomiting after getting loaded?
That's not funny?
Maybe the impending death of Kim Jong Ill will raise awareness of this classic. Until then, I will no longer recognize EW as a publication.

The other list was on VH-1, which ranked the top 100 songs of the 1980s.

Here are the top 3
3. Hungry Like the Wolf - Duran, Duran
2. Pour Some Sugar on Me - Def Leppard
1. Livin' on a Prayer - Barack Jovi

I must say, if I was making this list, only No. 3 would make the list and would probably be somewhere in the 20s.

No. 2 is, in my opinion, a piece of shit. First of all, it's Def Leppard - which actually produced some decent rock in the early 80s - selling out with a total pop piece of shit. Second of all, they ripped off the title from the Archie's Sugar, Sugar, which by the way, is 10 times better. The list and song reminded me off a joke Mrs. Lad once told me. "What has 9 arms and sucks." Answer: Def Leppard.

As for No. 1: I must say I like this tune, but because it reminds me of a time at TSC when the Meister Brau flowed and the women were looser than Paris Hilton on crack.

My problems with the song are this: It's a poor man's (I know, he's not poor, just ask Obama) attempt at a Springsteen ripoff. You know, cat down on his luck, union on strike, but he loves his women and his guitar. Classic Bruce. The former Sayreville Bomber/St. Joe's Falcon tried again a few years later with "Born to Be My Baby." It's the same song.

Second, it's not even the best song on the album Slippery When Wet. That, or course, is Social Disease. Anyway, good song, but top song of the 80s, no way.

Here's my top 3:
3. Come on Eileen -Dexy's Midnight Runners
2. Der Kommisar - After the Fire
1. She's a Beauty - The Tubes

Speaking of lists, with Labor Day over, I will present in about a week my list of the 5 best and worst days of the summer of 2008. This list is the brainchild of Mrs. Slim Steve, who was there for one of the worst days, when we had to pack up the beach house and come back to reality.

Other big news: In the next month or so, I will be launching a new web site. I bought one of those web site for dummies book and am fired up to do it. only problem is, I'm not sure what the content will be.

Right now, the candidates are:
Guys Named Keith - will list and explore famous and not so famous dudes named keith
The Beer Count - Will chronicle all of my drinking events
The Worst Mets - Will explore every awful player in Met history (there's a bunch)
Halt Fraser - Will explore why Brendan Fraser is actually a celebrity and examine ways to make it stop.
THE TSC - I will possibly chronicle my college years in a book form. Maybe a new chapter or so every month. Could be the groundwork for a major hollywood film.

If you have any thoughts or views on this, feel free to weigh in.

Well, that's all for now. Big Chicago trip coming up next week.

Get ready for the summer list and expect weekly blog entries starting in late Sept.


SJPSandman said...

well, you had me until you ripped Bon Jovi.

And I wasn't too pleased about your ripping Def Leppard, either.

But, for the record, I can think of about 100 movies funnier than Ghostbusters. For one thing, Im shocked American Pie didnt make the list somewhere. That was funny shit.

And you know what, as funny as Clerks was, Clerks II was just as hillarious.

Anonymous said...

Amen on Team America World Police-- I actually did piss my pants but I think Kim Jong Il is shitting his
ill fitting dictator leisure suit now...he may have already checked out...

The Tubes? I agree--but maybe it should be "Talk to Ya Later"

What studio shill is influencing that damn E! list anyway

Keep up the good work, Joe P!!

televisionman said...

I remember when the Meister Brau flowed and the girls at Seton Hall loosened up just a tad---then we
moved on to heroin...more about that later...come on, Virginia don't hesitate!! you Catholic girls
start much too late....

Todd Cohen said...

Trading Places is definitely in the top 3....along with Fletch, which was sadly omitted.

Was Tropic Thunder really THAT funny? I saw the trailers and thought it was the next "Spies Like Us"

I just read they were making another Ghostbusters. There's no way in hell Dan Akroyd will be able to fit in that outfit with that huge gut.

Thanks for the directions to the RU game. Still....I kind of wish you slashed my friend's tires and prevented us from going in the first place.

Pete said...


You should have swung by South Bend on your way to Chicago and checked in with Reako and myself.

We watched an absolute arse-kicking.