Friday, May 12, 2006


Well, it seems the geniuses in Hollywood have done it again - they've remade another one of my favorite movies starring Roddy McDowall.

First, they tried with Planet of the Apes and the result may have been the biggest piece of shiite ever to hit the big screen.

And now, they are trying it again with Poseidon.

In case you haven't seen the orginal Poseidon Adventure (what the hell is wrong with you if you haven't), the great McDowall plays Acres, a ship steward, who comes up with the great idea of helping Gene Hackman out by telling him to climb the upside down X-Mas tree. Of course, poor Acres buys it about 20 minutes later when he falls "down" the big steam pipe on the ship, but his performance is one you will never forget.

Anyway, these clowns in Hollywood have to leave the work of the late great McDowall alone.

I swear if a new Batman movie comes out with someone playing the Bookworm, I may lose my friggin mind.

What's next, a remake of That Darn Cat?

One more Hollywood note: How great is it that Tom Cruise's latest movie is becoming a box office flop. It just goes to show you how much influence religion has in this country. Think about it, the religious right got Bush re-elected and now it is helping ruin the career of a dude who took a nice Catholic girl, knocked her up and turned her into an alien-fearing lunatic.
You stay classy, America.

Som other notes:
Nice work from D.J. Star in threatening the 4-year-old daughter of a DJ at another station on the air. Class move, pal. While it's clear the dude should've been fired and jailed, the real story is the feeding frenzy for Howard Stern's listeners who haven't gotten Sirius yet. I mean, Free FM (lamest name ever for a radio statio) has brought on O & A-hole to Stern's spot. Well you know what boys in terrestial radio, it's not going to work. If people (like me) miss Stern that much, they will get Sirius. If they aren't ready to shell out $13 a month for it, they will likely just put on their I-pods and listen to music instead of some cheap Stern ripoff.

I have to say, if you are a Stern fan and haven't gotten Sirius, you are missing out. He goes about 50 minutes without a commerical, and when he breaks, it's about 2-3 minutes tops. It's friggin hilarious, his best work since Butt Bongo Fiesta.

One last note: If you haven't seen the Aaron Rowand catch from last night, make sure you do. That dude could play for my squad any day.

That's it for now.

PS: Mark your calendars for June 9. That's when the Allen Oldies Band will play Maxwell's in Hoboken. The link to their site is on the left.

PPS: This post is more of a public service to Jersey Girl, who wanted to Star Jones picture removed. This is the best I can do.

1 comment:

jersey girl said...

That DJ was actually arrested for endandering the welfare of a child:

I owe you for pushing Star from the top of the page. It's much appreciated.